The process
A “combi hat” collects both dead fish and sludge from the same unit and pumps the biomass through separate pipe systems to the feed raft.
A filter module on the feed raft increases the dry matter content from approx. 2% to 10%.
The sludge is then automatically pumped into a 50-200 cubic metres floating tank for odourless storage and efficient logistics with special vessels.
Furthermore, drying technology ensures further dewatering of the sludge until the mass reaches a dry matter value of 85-95%
The dried mass becomes an important resource for, among other things:
- Production of biogas
- Production of fertilizers
- Nutrition in insect or algae production
- Fuel in cement production
- Mixing in with other waste resources
The efficiency will vary based on many local parameters, but more than 65% efficiency has been achieved at a fish farming locality with full-scale collection (approx. 80 kilos of dry matter based on 1 ton of feed).